Try to get the bees before the dragonfly while avoiding the dragonfly. You can use the arrow keys to control the caterpillar.
In the text area do 3 things:
1) Create an instance of the creature class as shown: var myCreature = new Creature(context, x,y, width, height, chngX,chngY);
Substitute the italicized names with numeric values (note: chngX and chngY are the change in X,Y location respectively for each interval)
Also use the value context2 for the context parameter (the only non-numeric value)
2) Create the draw function for your custom creature. Use the properties specified in your object creation above.
Also, include a function call to checkBees(myCreature); inside your draw function.
Substitute the creature name you used in step 1 for myCreature .
3) Set the interval for you draw function. Eg setInterval(functionName, 50 ); Substiture functionName for your chosen function name in step 2.