Images of a New England Village

Etchings by J.T. Downs


"Colonnade of Maples"

Colonnade of Maples is not merely an eloquent duet of atmospheric and linear perspective, but also,a masterful expression of Down's oft-featured theme of the delicate balance between man and nature. Here, the roadway, by itself would have been insufficient to compliment the proportion of organic folliage, so Downs cleverly enlists the negative space of the perfectly, humanly spaced Sugar Maple trees to carve a rythmic a rladder of value, transporting the eye deep into a hauntingly familiar, psychological space.


"On Pound Hill"

A masterfully manipulated plate renders a composition in which a monumental boulder forces a curve in the man-made road, while a "more curves ahead" sign symbolizes the ongoing tug-of-war between man and nature. Converging perspective of power lines and road compliment the arrangement of the foreground tree boulder and distant landscape, which combine to create an inescapable spatial vortex.



"Next Winter's Heat"

Stacked in a ritualistic pyramid, as if to thank(acknowledge?) the very spirits of the woodlands for the annual provision, the cut and arranged wood is framed by a feral landscape of organic textures achieved through the sensitive combination of aquatint and fiery hand-drawn texture.


"Mill Road"




"Jaquith's Garden"

The house is swallowed by the landscape, until the deliberate, rhythmic pattern of the garden and consistently spaced evergreens become evident, adding weight to the human side of the eloquently stated equation. A measurably realistic sense of place is realized through the skilful juxtaposition of tonal relationship, line and texture.




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For more information regarding these prints, or other prints, drawings and paintings by JTDowns, you may contact the artist directly at:
tel. (603) 786-9958 (USA)

Copyright 2001-2002 JTDowns, all rights reserved.