I have taught a number of courses and initially put together home pages for most of them. Most of the web pages are out-of-date now, as I have moved the up-to-date material to WebCT and unfortunately, WebCT does not allow off-campus access to those courses. The web sites still have good material and some worthwhile links, so they are worth a cursory visit.

  1. Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing in the sciences (Spring, 2006)
  2. Current Environmental Issues (Spring 1999)
  3. Ecology (Fall 2002)
  4. Entomology (Spring 2000)
  5. Historical Geology (Spring 1999)
  6. History of Science (Fall 2005)
  7. Introduction to the Academic Community (Fall 2002)
  8. Invertebrate Biology (Fall 2003)
  9. Perspectives on Wilderness (Spring 2007)

Updated: 8 February 2007