Class Gastropoda

(snails and slugs)

Major attributes:

  1. Has become asymmetrical through torsion.
  2. Ganglionated nervous system.
  3. Reproduction varies - external fertilization and hermaphoditism.
  4. Most species have a foot, visceral mass, mantle and mantle cavity.
  5. Radula characteristic organ of Gastropoda.

The gastropods, which include the snails, whelks, periwinkles, abalones and slugs, are the largest group of mollusks. They have either a single shell or no shell. Gastropods are common in both salt and fresh water and on land. They have become asymmetrical through an anatomical rearrangement called torsion (exemplified by snails). The visceral mass has become coiled and rotated through 180 degrees so that mouth, anus, and gills all face forward and the head can be withdrawn into mantle cavity. In cases where the shell has been lost (terrestrial slugs), the mantle is moved back towards its original position by detorsion.
Some Interesting Facts:


Pertinent Books Found in Lamson Library:


  1. Graham, Allistar, 1977. British Prosobranch and other Operculate Gastropod Mollusks. Keys and Notes for the Identification of the species. London, NY: Academic Press for the Linnean Society.
  2. Hughes, Roger N., 1986. A Functional Biology of Marine Gastropods. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.

(William K. Fox, Fall 1994; edited by B. Miller, Spring 1995)