
Plants are an amazing thing, in a variety of species, colors and uses the possibilities with plants is endless. There are many different types of plants, ranging in color, style and price. Another great thing about plants is they come in indoor and outdoor varieties. They add a great pop of color and fresness to any room. Buying plants can become a great hobbie and it is such a wonderful collection to start.    

My personal favorites include: Monsteras (a more common household plant). Aloe Plants, Polka dot Begonias, Succulents (a very easy plant to care for) and Fiddle leaf Figs.

Other Household plants include (but are not limited to): Snake plants, Pothos, Ivy, Bromelias, Palms, Air plants, Ferns, String of pearls, Grotons, ZZ plants, Alocasias, Pileas, Philodendrons, Christmas catus', Prayer plants, Jade plants Anthiriums, and Peace Lilys.

All of the plants listed above are species of plants and within them many contain sub-species. For example, Monsteras have many different sub-species including: Monstera Adansonii, Monstera Minima, Monstera Deliciosa, Monstera Obliqua and Monstera Albo (variegated). All of these are Monsteras they are all just different types of Monsteras (see image below for reference).