IS1111 Tentative Schedule

***All chapters refer to How to Think About Weird Things

to be completed before class on the day listed
Prepare written answers to these questions BEFORE CLASS.
1 Sep 4
  1. What is IS1111 about?
  2. What does the title of the article refer to?
  3. What is the TMODMP?
  4. What is Shermer's main point?
  5. What examples does Shermer use to illustrate his point?
2 Sep 9
  • Read Chapter 1
  1. What do the authors mean when they talk about good whys?
  2. What do you think the authors would say about the following statement: All weird things are false.
  3. What does the following statement (from page 13 of our textbook) mean? Unfortunately, our educational system spends much more time teaching people what to think rather than how to think.
  4. Do the paranormal profile on page 11.
Sep 11
  • Read The Educated Person (which was handed out in class)
  • Write a 2-3 page paper that answers the following question: What qualities does an educated person have? Be sure your paper has an introduction, three or four main points and a conclusion.
  1. What qualities does Jones (the author of The Educated Person) suggest an educated person possesses?
  2. Do you agree with Jones? Why or why not?
3 Sep 16
  • Read the General Education section (pages 64-69) of Plymouth State University's 2008-09 Academic Catalog
  1. What is general education?
  2. What words would you use to describe PSU's general education program?
  3. What would Thomas Jones (the author of The Educated Person) say about PSU's general education program?
  4. What would the authors of our textbook say about PSU's general education program?
Sep 18
  • Read Chapter 2
  1. Answer the study questions on page 31 of the textbook.
4 Sep 23
  • Read the first part of Chapter 5 (pages 101-120--stop at the section called Remembering: Why you can't always trust what you recall but read the entire sidebar called False Memory Syndrome)
  1. How might the constructive nature of your perceptions play a role in what you experience while you're walking at night through a graveyard said to be visited by spirits of the dead?
  2. Is the following a legitimate principle? Why or why not? The only way to tell whether something is real is to see if it works for you.
  3. Read Passage 4 on pages 158-159.
    • What is the speaker's evidence for claiming to see the Loch Ness monster?
    • Is her claim justified? Why or why not?
    • Are there any reasons for doubting the evidence of her personal experience? If so, what are they?
    • Do you find her argument convincing? Why or why not?
Sep 25
  • Read the second half of Chapter 5 (pages 121-156)
  • Write a 2-3 page paper that answers the following question: Are eyewitness reports good evidence for the existence of Big Foot? Why or why not? Be sure your paper has an introduction, three or four main points (with evidence to back them up) and a conclusion.
  1. Answer study questions 2-12 on page 157
5 Sep 30
  • Read Chapters 1-7 of the Online Library Materials (which can be found here.
  • Choose the group that you will work with on the semester portfolio project by today. Each group must have 2 or 3 students in it.
  1. Be sure you understand the answers to the review questions at the end of chapters 3-7.
6 Oct 7
  • Read the Academic Integrity section (pages 42-44) of Plymouth State University's 2008-09 Academic Catalog
  • Bring your completed materials from Library visit
  • Your group must have your portfolio topic approved by me by today
  1. What is academic integrity?
  2. What is the procedure that will be followed in cases of academic integrity violations?
  3. What are some examples of violations of PSU's academic integrity policy?
7 Oct 14
  • Read Chapter 3
  • Bring completed materials from Library visit
  1. Evaluate the 10 claims on pages 58-59 of the textbook. Are they reasonable? Why or why not?
Oct 16
  • Continue discussion of Chapter 3
Oct 23
  • Read Chapter 4
  1. Answer study questions on page 96.
  2. Evaluate claims 1-5 on page 96.
9 Oct 28
  • Read the first half of Chapter 6 (pages 164-190--stop at the section called Creationism, Evolution, and Criteria of Adequacy)
  1. Evaluate claims 1-5 on page 221
Oct 30
  1. Is there good evidence for the existence of Bigfoot?
10 Nov 4
  • Read the first part of Chapter 7 (pages 228-235--stop at the section called Homeopathy)
  • Your portfolio annotated bibliography is due today.
  1. What is the SEARCH formula?
  2. Choose two of the six claims on pages 301-302. Evaluate them using the SEARCH formula.
Nov 6
  • NO CLASS: I will be at a conference. The paper is due by 9:30am. Send it to me via email.
  • Write a 2-3 page paper that answers the following question: Do you think Bigfoot exists? Why or why not? Be sure your paper has an introduction, three or four main points (with evidence to back them up) and a conclusion.
You do not have to prepare written responses to these questions. Simply think about them.
  1. What kinds of information will be on the critical thinking exam?
  2. What have we learned so far this semester?
  3. Is there anything that you would like to go over again?
12 Nov 18
  • We will view and discuss a documentary about an alien autopsy.
Nov 20
  • Your first reflective paper for the portfolio project is due today.
13 Nov 25
  • Write a 2-3 page paper that answers the following question: Is the alien autopsy film real or is it a hoax? Be sure your paper has an introduction, three or four main points (with evidence to back them up) and a conclusion. You must be in class today for me to accept this paper.
  • These two articles (here and here)will help you in writing your paper.
14 Dec 2
  • Read How Not to Test Mediums. Note that this is a difficult article. You should print it out and bring it with you to class for our discussion.
  1. What are Hyman's criticisms of the design of Schwartz's experiments?
Dec 4
  • The second reflective paper for your portfolio assignment is due today
15 Dec 9
  1. What are Schwartz's objections to Hyman's review of his book?
  2. How does Hyman respond to these objections?
Dec 11
  • Your group portfolio (including your group paper) is due today.
16 Tue Dec 16 - 8am-10:30am FINAL EXAM
Each group will do a presentation of their research during the final exam period.

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Updated September 10, 2008 by Cathie LeBlanc