
2011, C.C. Chabot, J.F. Yelle, C.B. O’Donnell, and W.H. Watson III. The effects of water pressure, temperature and current cycles on circatidal rhythms expressed by the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. Mar. Fresh Behav. Physiol. 44: 43-60.

2010, Chabot, C.C. and W.H. Watson. Horseshoe crab behavior: patterns and processes. Current Zoology 56: i-iv.

2010, C.C. Chabot and W.H. Watson. Circatidal rhythms of locomotion in the American horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus: Underlying mechanisms and cues that influence them. Current Zoology 56: 499-517.

2010, W.H. Watson and C.C. Chabot. High resolution tracking of adult horseshoe crabs Limulus polyphemus in a New Hampshire estuary using fixed array ultrasonic telemetry. Current Zoology 56: 599-610.

2010, S.Y. Schaller, C.C. Chabot and W.H. Watson. Seasonal movements of American horseshoe crabs Limulus polyphemus in the Great Bay estuary, New Hampshire (USA). Current Zoology 56: 587-598.

2009 C.C. Chabot. Analyzing the Way that Periodicals Report on Human Anatomy and Physiology Topics. American Physiological Society Archive (

2009 Watson, W.H., S.Y. Schaller, and C.C. Chabot. The Relationship Between Small- and Large-scale Movements of Horseshoe Crabs in the Great Bay Estuary and Limulus Behavior in the Laboratory. In: Ecology, Behavior and Evolution of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus. D. Smith and J. Tanecredi (Eds). Klewer Academic/Plenum Press, New York.

2008, W.H. Watson, L.B. Bedford, and C.C. Chabot. Dissociation between circadian rhythms of visual sensitivity and circatidal rhythms of locomotion in the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. Biol Bull (in press),

2008, C.C. Chabot, S.K Skinner, and W.H.Watson. Artificial tides synchronize circatidal rhythms of locomotion in the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. Biol Bull (in press),

2008, Chabot, C.C. and L.K. Webb. Daily and circadian rhythms of heart rate and locomotion in the American Lobster, Homarus americanus. Mar. Fresh. Behav. Physiol. (in press),

2007 Chabot, C. C., S.H. Betournay, N. Braley, and W.H. Watson. Endogenous rhythms of locomotion in the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. J. Exp. Marine Biol. Ecol. 345: 79-89.

2004 Chabot, C.C., J. Kent, and W.H. Watson, III. Circatidal and circadian rhythms of activity in Limulus polyphemus. Biol Bull.207: 72-75.

1998, “Writing in the Natural Sciences Department”, C.C. Chabot and W. Tomkiewicz; Writing Across the Curriculum, 9:52-59.

1995, Farr, A.J., C.C. Chabot and D.H Taylor. Behavioral avoidance of fluoranthene by fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 17: 1-7.

1994, Chabot, C.C. and M. Menaker. Feeding rhythms in constant light and constant darkness: the role of the eyes and the effect of melatonin infusion. J. Comp. Physiol. 175: 75-82.

1992, Chabot, C.C. and D.H. Taylor. (Daily rhythmicity of the acoustic startle response. Physiol. Behav. 51: 885-889.

1992, Chabot, C.C. and M. Menaker. Effects of physiological cycles of infused melatonin on circadian rhythmicity in pigeons. J. Comp. Physiol. 170: 615-622.

1992, Chabot, C.C. and M. Menaker. Circadian rhythms of feeding and locomotion in pigeons and house sparrows. J. Biol. Rhythms. 7: 287-299.

1992, Chabot, C.C. and D.H. Taylor. Circadian modulation of the rat acoustic startle response. Behav. Neurosci. 106: 846-852.