Muscles that Move the Shoulder girdle
O - occipital bone (sup line), nuchal ligament, spines of c7 to T12
I - lateral third of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula (3 heads)
A - steadies, elevates, depresses, retracts scapula
Levator scapulae
O - Transverse processes of C1-4
I - Super vert border of scapula
A - elevates scapula, bends neck laterally
Rhomboids (minor and major)
O - ligamentum nuchae, spines of C7 to T5
I - medial border of scapula
A - retract s, elevates scapula
Serratus anterior
O - Ribs 1-8, midway betw angles + costal cartilages
I - medial border, infer angle of scapula
A - protracts scapula
Pectoralis minor
O - Ribs 3-5
I - coracoid process of scapula
A -depresses, rotates scapula down
Pectoralis major
O - medial half of clavicle, sternum, ribs 1-6
I - lat. crest of intertubercular groove of humerus
A - depresses shoulder
Latissimus dorsi
O - Spines of T7 to sacrum, ribs 7-12, post iliac crest
I - intertubercular groove of humerus
A - depresses, retracts scapula
O Ext - inf border rib
Int - super border rib
I - Ext - super border rib
Int - inf border rib
A - Ext - elevate ribs - assist inspiration
Int - draw ribs together - force expiration
Move the Head
O sternum and clavicle
I - mastoid process of temporal
A - both - flex neck; one - rotate head
O - transverse processes - cervical vertebrae
I - rib 1
A -flexes, rotates head, aids inspiration
splenius capitas
O - spinous processes C7-T4
I - mastoid process, lat. sup. nuchal line
A - extends, rotates head
Move the humerus at shoulder joint
Rotator Cuff
O - supraspinous fossa of scapula
I - greater tuberosity of humerus
A - stabilizes joint, abducts arm
O - infraspinous fossa
I - greater tuberosity of humerus
A - stabilizes joint; laterally rotates, some adduction
teres minor
O - superior lateral border of scapula
I - greater tuberosity of humerus
A - stabilizes joint; laterally rotates arm, extends, adducts
O - subscapular fossa
I - lesser tuberosity
A - stabilizes joint; medially rotates arm
Other Contributing Muscles
Teres major
O - inferior angle and lat border of scapula
I - medial crest of intertubercular groove
A - adducts, extends, medially rotates arm
O - Clavicle (lateral third); acromion process and spine of scapula
I - deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A - Clavicular head: flexes, med. rotates arm
acromial head: abducts arm
spinous head: extend, lat. rotates arm
Pectoralis major
A - adducts, flexes, and rotates arm medially,
Latissimus dorsi
A - extends, adducts, medially rotates humerus
O - coracoid process
I - middle medial third of humerus
A - flexes, weakly adducts arm
Muscles that move Arm
Biceps brachii
O - Long Head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
short head: coracoid process of scapula
I - radial tuberosity, bicipital aponeurosis
A - flexes elbow; supinates forearm, weak arm flexor
O - anterior distal surface of humerus
I - tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
A - flexes elbow
O - upper 2/3 lat supracondylar ridge of humerus
I - base of styloid process of radius
A - flexes elbow, semisupinates/pronates
Triceps brachii
O - Long head: infraglenoid tubercle
Lateral Head: post/lat humerus above radial groove
Medial Head: post. humerus below radial groove
I - olecranon process of ulna
A - extends elbow, adducts arm
O - lateral epicondyle of humerus
I - lateral surface of proximal third of radius
A - supinates forearm
Pronator teres
O - medial supracondylar ridge of humerus, coronoid process of ulna
I - midlateral surface of radius
A - pronates forearm, flexes elbow
Pronator quadratus
O - ant distal end of ulna
I - ant distal end of radius
A - pronates forearm
Muscles that Move the Wrist
Flexor carpii radialis
O - medial epicondyle of humerus
I - ant. base of 2nd, 3rd metacarpals
A - flexes and abducts wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris
O - medial epi of humerus
I - ant carpals, base of 5th meta
A - flexes and adduct wrist
Palmaris longus
O - medial epi of humerus
I - palmar aponeurosis
A - flexes wrist
Extensor carpi radialis longus
O - lateral epi
I - Base of 2nd metas
A - extends and abducts wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris
O - lateral epi
I - Base of 5th meta
A - extends and adducts
Move the Fingers
Flexor digitorum superficialis
O - medial epi, coronoid process, radius
I - tendons of fingers, middle phlanges
A - flexes fingers
Extensor digitorum
O - lateral epi
I - posterior surface of phlanges 2-5
A - extends fingers and wrist
Move the Thumb
Flexor and extensor pollicis
O - post. radius/ant carpals
I - Base of distal phalanx 1 - post./lat.
A - flexes or extends thumb
Flexor/Extensor retinaculae
heavy connective tissue
connects lateral border of radius w/ medial portion of styloid process of ulna
gives off branches of connective tissue to wrist bones
---> series of sheaths which cover tendons of extensor muscles of fingers
Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
External Oblique
O - outer surfaces of lower 8 ribs
I - ant. iliac crest and linea alba
A - tenses abdominal wall and compresses abdominal contents, lateral rotation and flexion of vertebral column
Internal Oblique
O - crest of ilium
I - cartilages of lower ribs; linea alba
A - same as Ext oblique
Transversus abdominus
O - Costal cartilages of lower ribs, processes of lumbar vertebrae, lip of iliac crest
I - linea alba, crest of pubis
A - same as above
Rectus abdominus
O - crest of pubis and symphysis pubis
I - xiphoid process and costal cartilages
A - same as above
erector spinales (large group of muscles)
Spinalis thoracis
semispinalis thoracis
semispinalis cervicus
O - spinous processes of T11-12, L1-2
transverse processes of T6-10
" " " T1-6
I- Spinous processe of T1-8
" " " C6-7, T1-4
" " " C2-5
A - extend and rotate vertebral column
Move the Thigh
Anterior group - Flexors
Psoas major
O - bodies, transverse processes lumbar vert.
I - lesser trochanter of femur
A - flexes and rotates thigh lat., flexes vert.
O - iliac fossa of ilium
I - lesser trochanter of femur
A - flexes and rotates thigh lat., flexes vert.
Posterior group
Gluteus maximus
O - iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx
I - gluteal tuberosity of femur
A - extends and rotates thigh lat.
Gluteus medius
O - lateral ilium
I - greater trochanter of femur
A - abducts thigh
Gluteus minimus
O - lateral ilium
I - greater trochanter of femur
A - abducts thigh
Tensor fasciae latae
O - anterior iliac crest
I - tibia via iliotibial tract
A - abducts, flexes thigh
Medial group
Adductors (Groin)
Adductor longus
O - pubic crest near symphysis pubis
I - linea aspera of femur
A - adducts, flexes thigh
Adductor magnus
O - Ischial tuberosity and pubis
I - linea aspera of femur, adductor tubercle
A - adducts, ant. part - flexes/post. part - extends thigh
O – pubic ramus
I - medial surface of tibial shaft
A - adducts thigh and flexes leg at knee
Lower Leg
Flexors (Hamstring)
Biceps femoris
O - long - Ischial tuberosity, short - linea aspera of femur
I - head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
A - flexes knee, extends thigh
O - Ischial tuberosity
I – medial, proximal surface of tibia
A - same
O - Ischial tuberosity
I - Medial condyle of tibia
A - same
Flexors (cont)
O - anterior superior iliac spine
I – medial, proximal surface of tibia
A - flexes leg and thigh, rotates thigh laterally (crosses leg)
Quadriceps femoris
Rectus femoris
O - ant. inf. iliac spine
I - patella by common tendon; continues as ligament to tibial tuberosity
A - extends leg at knee
Vastus lateralis, intermedius, medialis
O - ///Greater trochanter/lat. surface femur
//Medial surface femur
///Anterior/medial surface femur
I - same as rectus femoris
A - extends leg at knee
Muscles of Ankle, Foot, Toes
Tibialis anterior
O - lateral condyle/surface of tibia
I - 1st meta tarsal, 1st cuneiform
A - dorsiflexion/inversion of foot
Peroneus tertius
O - distal third ant. fibula
I - 5th metatarsal
A - dorsiflexion/eversion of foot
Extensor digitorum longus
O - Lateral condyle tibia, ant. surface fibula
I - dorsal surfaces of 2nd,3rd phlanges of 4 lateral toes
A - dorsiflexion/eversion, toe extension
Plantar flexors
O - lateral/medial condyles of femur
I - posterior surface of calcaneus
A - plantar flexion, flexion of leg at knee
O - Head/shaft of fibula, post. tibial surface
I - posterior surface calcaneus
A - plantar flexion of foot
Flexor digitorium longus
O - posterior surface of tibia
I - distal phlanges of 4 lateral toes
A - plantar flexion, inversion of foot, flexion of four lateral toes
Tibialis posterior
O - lat. condyle, post. tibial/fibular surface
I - Tarsal and metatarsal bones
A - plantar flexion and inversion of foot
Peroneus longus
O - lat. condyle of tibia. fibular head/shaft
I - tarsal and metatarsals
A - plantar flexion and eversion of foot